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    Current state of the PUR vs EVA debate

    I've been reading a lot of comments on his forum about the advantages and disadvantages of PUR vs EVA glue in perfect binding. Most of those comments are quite a few years old now, and it has been suggested that modern EVA glues are almost as good as PUR and certainly good enough in 95% of...
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    Laminating book covers

    For my perfect bound book covers, I am laminating single sided, with a Nylon based SuperStick laminate, sourced from the US (link). The reason I use Nylon based is because the standard laminates tend to be more prone to curling in single sided applications, whereas the Nylon laminates...
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    Calibrating a Duplo UltraBind PUR 2000 or Similar Binders

    I am trying to calibrate a Duplo UltraBind PUR 2000, but without much experience or a technical manual with specs I am left with a lot of guess work. Does anyone have a technical manual for this machine? Perhaps for a similar machine that I can get a few clues from? For example, I am wondering...
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    More wavy paper problems to solve

    After my experience with my laser printer causing the paper to come out like crinkle cut chips, I managed to squeeze the budget and purchase an ex-lease inkjet production printer. (ComColor 7150) I'm happy with the result and even though the quality of the print could be better, I believe it is...
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    Refill Duplo Ultrabind PUR cartridges?

    Has anyone tried refilling the empty cartridges of a Duplo Ultrabind PUR binder? I'm just wondering whether this can be done and whether it would save a few dollars doing so. These are the ones I'm referring to: link
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    ComColor skipping a beat?

    I have a slight issue with my Riso ComColor 7150, in that it sometimes seems to shift one pixel left/right. which makes a line of text look out of shape, almost italic. See the attached image. If you look at the "t" in "erat" in the bottom half picture, you'll clearly see the issue happening. It...
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    How to judge paper quality?

    I started my printing "career" using low end equipment and cheap copy paper. Overall it went well, but due to having a few issues (cold and damp weather setting in, paper curling, ink bleeding, etc..) I am starting to be a little more critical and I am on the lookout for better quality paper...
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    Riso ComColor Linux Drivers

    Does anyone have Linux drivers for the Riso ComColor printers, preferrably the 7150, but failing that anything else I could try? The dealer here in NZ has not been able to supply me with one and keeps pushing me towards M$ Windows. I prefer to stay with Linux. Considering that these printers...
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    ComColor aftermarket ink

    The ink for the ComColor 7150 costs me $520 per cartridge here in NZ. But I see you can get some aftermarket ink on ebay for as little as $150, less than a third. The $370 question: is that cheap Chinese ink up to a reasonable standard? Will the quality be comparable? Could it possibly cause...
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    Perfect binding short grain paper?

    I am currently perfect binding long grain A4 copy paper and trimming it down on 3 sides to A5 size. But what if I printed 2-up and trimmed a few mm off the sides, instead of 40-50 mm? It would mean reducing the wastage and almost halving the cost of the paper, but I would end up with binding the...
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    Are Riso ComColor worth it?

    I am looking at buying my first production machine, mainly for printing A4 black and white pages for perfect bound books. I have just been given 2 ex-lease options, the ComColor 7150 (NZD 6,000+GST) and the GD7330 (NZD 13,000+GST). I searched this forum on advice on the Riso ComColor range and...
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    Paper wave/curl caused by office laser printer

    I am starting a small publishing venture, on a low budget, in a remote and isolated part of the world (New Zealand). This means I am limited to whatever is available locally and fits into my small budget. I started off with an Epson EcoTank ET-16600, but the speed is too slow to be efficient...


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